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New Biosecurity Benchmark

Monday, December 04, 2023

Primary Blog/New Biosecurity Benchmark

New Biosecurity Benchmark

Unleashing A New Era

 Ending Hospital-Acquired Infections with Revolutionary Technology

Every once in a while, a technology emerges that disrupts and transforms our lives, leaving an indelible mark on society. Today, we stand on the brink of such a revolution. A breakthrough from Crux Ventures promises to obliterate hospital-acquired infections, reshaping our healthcare system and leaving a significant economic impact.

The Hidden Burden of Hospital-Acquired Infections

Before delving into this innovation, let's recognize the scope of the problem. Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), an unforeseen consequence of medical treatment, represent a significant burden on our healthcare systems. This situation is particularly acute in the United States, where HAIs are responsible for nearly 100,000 deaths annually and lead to an estimated cost of $45 billion1.

This burden is not confined to direct treatment costs alone. The Value of Statistical Life (VSL), a measure of the cost of averting a single death, puts the economic value of these lives lost at a staggering $9 million per life2. When we consider the indirect costs of lost income, decreased productivity, and associated expenses, the scale of the problem becomes alarmingly clear.

In the context of Latin America, and particularly Brazil, the economic implications of HAIs are heightened. Considering that INSS and SUS, the state-run insurance programs, bear the brunt of treatment costs for all Brazilians, the fiscal impact is considerably severe. In addition, the country loses invaluable human capital with each infection, further compounding the economic loss.

The Game-Changing Technology

Enter the revolutionary technology developed by Crux Ventures, designed specifically to eliminate hospital-acquired infections. This solution is efficient, broad-spectrum, and non-corrosive, making it ideal for deployment in environments laden with high-value medical equipment.

From sprays to direct application, the application process is quick and straightforward, minimizing disruption to hospital operations. Remarkably, the technology is safe for both the user and those in the vicinity, eliminating risks associated with conventional cleaning solutions.
The benefits don't stop at safety and efficiency; the solution is also environmentally friendly. It leaves no residues, meaning no harmful impact on our environment. It also effectively handles mold, mildew, odors, and allergens, contributing to a healthier and safer environment in medical facilities.

A Call to Embrace the Future

The unveiling of this ground-breaking technology from Crux Ventures represents a turning point in the fight against hospital-acquired infections. Its advent heralds a brighter future for our healthcare system and economy, especially for pivotal markets like Brazil.

Now is the time to act. Don't let the fear of missing out prevent you from being at the forefront of this health revolution. Be an early adopter, embrace the innovation, and join us in creating healthier, safer hospitals.

The world will soon witness a change that can save millions of lives and transform economies. Don't wait. Stay informed, stay ahead, and together, we can end hospital-acquired infections.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this exciting new technology. You can follow my updates and keep up-to-date with more insights and cutting-edge technology on my LinkedIn page here. Together, let's shape a healthier and more prosperous future.

CDC. (2019). Healthcare-associated Infections.
U.S. Department of Transportation. (2016). Guidance on Treatment of the Economic Value of a Statistical Life (VSL) in U.S. Department of Transportation Analyses. 

Infections means Loss of Life and Economic Costs

The Global Burden of Hospital-Acquired Infections:

Hospital-acquired infections pose a grave threat to patient health worldwide. According to recent models, millions of cases occur annually, leading to thousands of deaths and imposing a significant economic burden. (Source: World Health Organization). To address this critical issue, Crux Ventures is bringing to market a revolutionary technology that not only demonstrates exceptional efficacy but also offers remarkable benefits in terms of ease of application and compatibility with sensitive medical equipment.

The Economic Costs of Hospital-Acquired Infections:

Hospital-acquired infections have far-reaching economic implications, affecting both individuals and nations. Research conducted by organization in this field estimates that the economic burden of hospital-acquired infections in the United States alone amounts to billions annually. According to the CDC, the direct medical costs of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) in the United States are at least $28.4 billion annually. HAIs also cost society an additional $12.4 billion due to lost productivity and early deaths. The overall direct cost of HAIs to hospitals ranges from $28 billion to $45 billion. HAIs are associated with:

According to the CDC, the direct medical costs of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) in the United States are at least $28.4 billion annually. HAIs also cost society an additional $12.4 billion due to lost productivity and early deaths. The overall direct cost of HAIs to hospitals ranges from $28 billion to $45 billion. HAIs are associated with:

The CDC estimates that 5% of all hospital admissions result in an HAI. This results in approximately:

  • Excess pre-discharge costs: $29,412
  • Increased odds of post-discharge readmission: 46.3%
  • Excess post-discharge costs: $16,049: Our products are delivered immediately
  • ​722,000 infections
  • ​75,000 deaths
  • ​$28–33 billion in excess costs

This includes direct treatment costs, loss of income and productivity, and the value of statistical life (VSL). By comparing these costs to the Brazilian context, we can better understand the potential benefits this new technology could bring to Latin American countries like Brazil.

*The CDC's annual National and State Healthcare-Associated Infections Progress Report (HAI Progress Report)

The Brazilian Context 

Brazil and LATAM

In Brazil, where the government-run programs INSS and SUS provide FREE healthcare coverage for a significant portion of the population, the economic consequences of hospital-acquired infections are profound. Not only does the government bear the burden of treatment expenses, but it also provides temporary or full pensions in case of death or incapacitation. Moreover, the loss of productivity and the subsequent impact on the economy due to these infections cannot be overlooked.

Crux Ventures' Solution: A Ray of Hope:

Crux Ventures' new disruptive technology presents an extraordinary solution to combat hospital-acquired infections. By leveraging cutting-edge scientific advancements, their innovation ensures rapid and efficient application, making it an ideal choice for healthcare settings. The technology's non-corrosive and non-allergenic properties are especially vital for use around expensive equipment in hospitals and doctors' offices, safeguarding both patients and medical staff.

Key Virtues of the Technology:

This new technology that Crux Ventures is bringing to market possesses several key virtues that set it apart. Its fast application process ensures quick and efficient coverage, while its broad-spectrum efficacy tackles not only infections but also molds, mildew, odors, and allergens. Crucially, the technology leaves no residue, mitigating any potential environmental impact and aligning with sustainable practices.

A Compelling Call to Action:

As Crux Ventures prepares to introduce this groundbreaking technology to the world, the sense of urgency and curiosity surrounding its potential cannot be overstated. With approvals from regulatory bodies in the United States and other Latin American countries, the launch of this innovation in Brazil holds tremendous significance. Early adopters and individuals seeking innovative solutions must be at the forefront of this transformative journey.

To learn more about this game-changing technology and be part of the healthcare revolution, stay updated by visiting the official channels of Crux Ventures. Discover how this technology, with its remarkable efficiency, safety, and diverse benefits, can reshape the healthcare landscape and eradicate hospital-acquired infections once and for all.

Remember, the opportunity to be part of this transformative shift is knocking at your door. Don't miss out on being among the first to embrace the future of healthcare.

2025 © Crux Ventures
Reposition and strategies by Marcel Amorim, Crux Ventures Blog. Copyright 2025 by Marcel Amorim
Reprinted permitted when siting autor and Crux Ventures webpage

ZERO Hospital Acquire Infections

Is that possible? 


The Economic Impact of the Game-Changing Infection Control Technology by Crux Ventures

In the realm of hospital-acquired infections, a new disruptive technology emerges, poised to revolutionize the healthcare landscape not just in the United States, but worldwide. Crux Ventures stands at the forefront of this groundbreaking revolution.

The Unseen War Against Hospital-Acquired Infections

Imagine a world where hospital-acquired infections are a thing of the past. This is not some fantastical dream; it's a reality soon to be delivered by Crux Ventures. In the U.S alone, millions of hospital-acquired infections occur annually, leading to thousands of deaths and substantial economic burden.

Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Game-Changing Technology to End Hospital-Acquired Infections


In the realm of healthcare, a groundbreaking technology is set to transform the landscape, bringing an end to the menace of hospital-acquired infections. Crux Ventures, a visionary company, is on the verge of unveiling this game-changing innovation that promises unparalleled efficiency, safety, and broad-spectrum protection. In this article, we explore the potential economic impact of this new disruptive technology, focusing on its application in Latin American countries, with a particular emphasis on Brazil.

The Global Burden of Hospital-Acquired Infections:

Hospital-acquired infections pose a grave threat to patient health worldwide. According to recent models, millions of cases occur annually, leading to thousands of deaths and imposing a significant economic burden. (Source: World Health Organization, [insert source]). To address this critical issue, Crux Ventures has developed a revolutionary technology that not only demonstrates exceptional efficacy but also offers remarkable benefits in terms of ease of application and compatibility with sensitive medical equipment.

The Economic Costs of Hospital-Acquired Infections:

Hospital-acquired infections have far-reaching economic implications, affecting both individuals and nations. Extensive research conducted by [insert research organization] estimates that the economic burden of hospital-acquired infections in the United States alone amounts to [insert figure] annually. This includes direct treatment costs, loss of income and productivity, and the value of statistical life (VSL). (Source: [insert source]). By comparing these costs to the Brazilian context, we can better understand the potential benefits this new technology could bring to Latin American countries like Brazil.

The Brazilian Context:

In Brazil, where the government-run programs INSS and SUS provide healthcare coverage for a significant portion of the population, the economic consequences of hospital-acquired infections are profound. Not only does the government bear the burden of treatment expenses, but it also provides temporary or full pensions in case of death or incapacitation. Moreover, the loss of productivity and the subsequent impact on the economy due to these infections cannot be overlooked.

Crux Ventures' Solution - A Ray of Hope:

Crux Ventures' new disruptive technology presents an extraordinary solution to combat hospital-acquired infections. By leveraging cutting-edge scientific advancements, their innovation ensures rapid and efficient application, making it an ideal choice for healthcare settings. The technology's non-corrosive and non-allergenic properties are especially vital for use around expensive equipment in hospitals and doctors' offices, safeguarding both patients and medical staff.

Key Virtues of the Technology:

The new technology developed by Crux Ventures possesses several key virtues that set it apart. Its fast application process ensures quick and efficient coverage, while its broad-spectrum efficacy tackles not only infections but also molds, mildew, odors, and allergens. Crucially, the technology leaves no residue, mitigating any potential environmental impact and aligning with sustainable practices.

A Compelling Call to Action:

As Crux Ventures prepares to introduce this groundbreaking technology to the world, the sense of urgency and curiosity surrounding its potential cannot be overstated. With approvals from regulatory bodies in the United States and other Latin American countries, the launch of this innovation in Brazil holds tremendous significance. Early adopters and individuals seeking innovative solutions must be at the forefront of this transformative journey.

To learn more about this game-changing technology and be part of the healthcare revolution, stay updated by visiting the official channels of Crux Ventures. Discover how this technology, with its remarkable efficiency, safety, and diverse benefits, can reshape the healthcare landscape and eradicate hospital-acquired infections once and for all.

Remember, the opportunity to be part of this transformative shift is knocking at your door. Don't miss out on being among the first to embrace the future of healthcare.

by Marcel Amorim 

2025 © Crux Ventures
Reposition and strategies by Marcel Amorim, Crux Ventures Blog. Copyright 2025 by Marcel Amorim
Reprinted permitted when siting autor and Crux Ventures webpage

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Hi, I Am Marcel Amorim

Founder Of Crux Ventures

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